Healthy Me: Mental Well-being and Mindfulness

$19.99 inc. GST

Katie Woolley, Ryan Wheatcroft

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Engaging, illustrated titles that introduce key health issues to young readers

You can’t see mental wellbeing but you can feel it. Your mental wellbeing is all about how you think and feel. Some people call it ‘mental health’ or ’emotional wellbeing’.

Having good mental health doesn’t mean being happy all the time. We all experience feelings of anger, sadness, fear and frustration. These feelings are perfectly normal. Mental wellbeing comes from finding positive ways to manage these feelings as you grow and develop.

This simply written title explores what mental health is, why it is important, and ways to deal with some mental health problems such as stress and anxiety. The book includes mindfulness techniques and advice to help with relaxation and coping strategies.

At the back are notes for parents and teachers that provide additional advice and support, as well as further activity ideas and information.

The HEALTHY ME series is aimed at children aged from 5 and up to explain how people can keep fit and be healthy, forming good habits that will last a lifetime. Other titles in the series are: EXERCISE AND PLAY, KEEPING CLEAN, EATING WELL, KEEPING SAFE, RESTING AND SLEEPING.


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