YSS Kangaroo Story Puzzle
$46.20 inc. GST
Note to our valued Customers, Yarn Strong Sista has changed manufacturing companies for our range of puzzles and games. Unfortunately, our latest shipment has not met our quality standards, so we are lowering our prices by 55%.
Please note when you purchase our current puzzles and games at this 55% lowered price there is no returns or refunds.
To our valued Customers who have recently received their order please call YSS if you have not already heard from us.
Aunty Sue Atkinson a Yorta Yorta woman has written the fantasy story about the Kangaroo and her friends.
Sue has used Yorta Yorta language within her story.
Aunty Annette Sax a Taungurung woman has depicted the Kangaroo Story Puzzle.
Size 30cm x 20cm
Additional information
Pieces | 12-Pieces, 4-Pieces, 8-Pieces |
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