Yarn strong sista

Professional Development

Professional Development Workshops for Early Childhood Professionals and Teachers


Sharing cultural experiences, creating confidence in educators & inspiring new thinking in the digital learning phase. Yarn Strong Sista have made changes quickly to enable this by moving from face to face engagement with our community to create the following:

  • Online Mentoring with Early Childhood Professionals and Teachers.
  • Online Cultural Competency Workshops with Early Childhood Educators.
  • Online Cultural Competency Workshops for Not-for-Profit and Corporate Organisations.

Workshops - early childhood

Yarn Strong Sista offers nine workshops of each 2-3 hours or a day’s training on any topic that interests you. Please book in early for cross-cultural Professional Development workshops, training all levels of the education system including early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary.

Workshop one

Aboriginal Culture and Identity

Promoting authentic representations of Indigenous culture and identity forms the purpose of the work we do at Yarn Strong Sista. We offer Professional Development workshops that unpack what contemporary Indigenous cultures and identities look like. During discussions about Aboriginal identity we focus on breaking down prejudices that exist, and the discriminations faced by Indigenous people. By touching on elements both from the past and the present, we provide workshops that challenge existing beliefs and shift the way we think about Aboriginal culture and identity. We will discuss Dr Sue Atkinson-Lopez’s PhD research which focuses on Aboriginal Pedagogy. This workshop includes group work, storytelling and hands on art experience.

Workshop Two

Aboriginal Elders as Teachers of Environmental Knowledge

Aboriginal people have looked after the land, water, air, plants and animals that inhabit Australia for over 60,000 years, so it only makes sense to look to Indigenous knowledges when it comes to looking after the environment. As Aboriginal people, we look to our Elders for support and for knowledge that has been passed on from generation to generation. In our Professional Development workshops, we revise Indigenous knowledges on ways that we can care for Country, and ways that we can weave these into our everyday lives to ensure we pay respects to the land on which we live, and to our Ancestors who have paved the way in maintaining Country. We will share and reflect on Dr. Sue Atkinson Lopez’s PhD research “Indigenous Early Childhood Curriculum and Self Determination” which has a focus on “What Aboriginal Elders Want Children to Learn about Culture”. Participants will gain a greater understanding of Aboriginal culture and feel more confident to support Aboriginal inclusive practise in their services. This workshop includes storytelling and hands on art experience.

Workshop Three

Aboriginal Literacy in Early Childhood Curriculum

Incorporating Aboriginal Literacy throughout services and curriculum ensures that Indigenous traditions, voices and languages
are represented in our education system. This Professional Development workshop will give participants a greater understanding
of the place of Indigenous literacies in Early Childhood and Primary Education. We will discuss Indigenous literacies and its relevance to young children, and how you can embed these into your programs through an Action Plan. We examine Dr. Sue Atkinson Lopez’s PhD research ‘Indigenous Early Childhood Curriculum and Self Determination’ which focuses on Indigenous Pedagogy. We encourage thinking about literacy outside of just books, and acknowledging Indigenous perspectives of reading landscapes, seasons, symbols and artefacts as valuable literacy. This workshop includes group work, storytelling and hands on art experience.

Workshop Four

Bringing Bush Tucker into Early Childhood and Primary Curriculum

Incorporating bush tucker programs into the curriculum as Early Childhood Educators and Primary Teachers is a fun and tasty way of demonstrating the diversity of Indigenous knowledges and skills. It also demonstrates the strong link between Indigenous people and the land, learning ways to be resourceful and thrive off what the land has to offer. This Professional Development workshop refers to existing resources that have been developed by Yarn Strong Sista in conjunction with Cancer Council Victoria and the Victorian Department of Education and Training. We will share and reflect on Dr. Sue Atkinson Lopez’s PhD research “Indigenous Early Childhood Curriculum and Self Determination” which has a focus on “What Aboriginal Elders Want Children to Learn about Culture.” Participants will come away from this workshop with recipe ideas, an understanding of traditional and contemporary uses of Indigenous plants and animals and how to utilise these in your curriculum. Plus, as a treat, our Aboriginal presenter will bring some bush tucker for you to taste!

Workshop FIVE

Building Authentic Relationships with Aboriginal Families and Communities

Whose Country do you live on? What Language group land do you work on? What do you do when you have an Aboriginal child or student you care for and educate? Reaching out and shaping genuine and lasting relationships with local Aboriginal families and communities is an important action as a way of embedding Aboriginal curriculum in the everyday program. In this Professional Development we will share Dr. Sue Atkinson Lopez’s PhD research “Indigenous Early Childhood Curriculum and Self Determination” which has a focus on “What Aboriginal Parents Want for Their Children Attending Early Childhood Services”. This is vital knowledge that gives voice to Aboriginal families and their experiences within Early Childhood Services. Participants will gain a greater understanding of Aboriginal culture and feel more confident to support Aboriginal inclusive practise in their services. You will be inspired by the stories of Early Childhood Professionals that have made a commitment to Reconciliation. Educators will also develop a resource they can share with children and families they work with. This workshop includes group work storytelling and hands on art experience.

Workshop Six

Stolen Generation and Past Policies

We offer Professional Development for Early Childhood Professionals, Primary and Secondary Teachers on the history and effects of the Stolen Generation and past policies on Australia’s Indigenous people. Understanding past treatment of First Nations groups gives educators insight into the experiences of trauma and pain that our communities are confronted by and aims to encourage cultural sensitivity. This workshop includes watching a film, group work, storytelling and hands on art experience

Workshop Seven

Traditional and Contemporary Games

Marngrook is a traditional Aboriginal game played by Victoria’s First People. Marngrook was played with a possum skin ball stuffed with reeds from the creek. The game we know as AFL is based on Marngrook and Gaelic Football. This Professional
Development workshop explores contemporary versions of traditional games in a hands-on way. Traditionally Aboriginal children were taught skills in survival through play. By actively participating in the workshop, we will learn traditional games that have been adapted. You will go away from this workshop being able to share these games with the children in your Early Childhood Service or School. By linking Indigenous storytelling with play, we are encouraging the sharing of Indigenous culture within the everyday curriculum. We examine Dr. Sue Atkinson Lopez’s PhD research ‘Indigenous Early Childhood Curriculum and Self Determination’ and how games are a part of Aboriginal Pedagogy. This workshop includes group work, storytelling and hands on art experience.

Workshop Eight

Victorian Aboriginal Culture and Identity

Promoting authentic representations of Indigenous culture and identity forms the purpose of the work we do at Yarn Strong Sista. We offer Professional Development workshops that unpack what contemporary Indigenous cultures and identities look like. During discussions about Aboriginal identity we focus on breaking down prejudices that exist, and the discriminations faced by Indigenous people. By touching on elements both from the past and the present, we provide workshops that challenge existing beliefs and shift the way we think about Aboriginal culture and identity. We will discuss Dr Sue Atkinson-Lopez’s PhD research which focuses on Aboriginal Pedagogy. This workshop includes group work, storytelling and hands on art experience.

Workshop Nine

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)

During this Professional Development workshop we will take a closer look at the Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge Story which was written by Yorta Yorta academic Dr Sue Atkinson Lopez, to reflect the revised Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF). The Ochre painting which accompanies the Framework was created by Taungurung Artist, Annette Sax. We will examine the process of creating Ochre works in this style and unpack the Aboriginal symbols and animal tracks used by Annette in the painting. In this workshop we will discuss the Three Elements of the VEYLDF which include Practise Principles, Outcomes and Transition and Continuity of Learning. Both the story and art work are embedded in Aboriginal Pedagogy and this workshop will highlight the importance of linking Aboriginal culture within early years’ curriculum. This workshop will be conducted by Annette Sax and include storytelling and hands on art experience.

For a quote please complete the form on your right or email Annette Sax on Annette@yarnstrongsista.com the following details:

For Bookings or Enquiries

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