Spin a Yarn Game

$65.95 inc. GST

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Spin a Yarn (SAY), is an oral storytelling game which encourages a greater knowledge and understanding of Indigenous culture from a contemporary Aboriginal perspective.

Spin a Yarn story tiles display a variety of symbols that may be used in small play experiences and to inspire imagination for creating stories.

The game can be integrated in the classroom curriculum and is only limited by imagination! Spin a Yarn was designed by Priscilla Reid-Loynes.

Priscilla is from the Gamilaroi nation in NSW.

“Spin a Yarn is dedicated to our elders, our families and our children. May we keep strong in our culture and keep on yarnin’ up big! We are all storytellers…”

Annette Sax is a Taungurung woman whose art has been used for SAY.

This vibrant and colourfully illustrated game may enhance the development of oral language skills.

SAY can be used as a springboard for childrens’ reading and writing skills.

Teaching notes contain information about Aboriginal protocols of Creation Stories and Art.

Notes also instruct how to use the game from the early years through to tertiary.

Extension ideas for ECE programs and primary curriculum.


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